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Woman with hearing loss touching her ear and thinking about preventing further loss.

Normally, when you’re first notice hearing loss (no matter the variety), the first thing you should do is try to control the damage. There are, after all, some straightforward measures you can take to safeguard your hearing and minimize further hearing loss.

Step 1: Keep Your Ears Clean

Remember learning to make sure you clean behind your ears when you learned basic hygiene (or at least should have learned). In terms of hearing health, however, we aren’t worried about the areas behind your ears, but rather your inner ears.

Keeping your ears clear of wax buildup can help your hearing in a number of distinctive ways:

  • If you use a hearing aid, earwax accumulation can interfere with its function also. This may make it seem as if your hearing is getting worse.
  • Your brain and ability to decipher sound will inevitably be impacted by untreated hearing loss.
  • Untidy ears raise your chances of getting an ear infection, which causes inflammation that (when severe enough) interferes with your ability to hear. When your ear infection goes away, your normal hearing will usually return.
  • When wax buildup becomes substantial, it can block sound from reaching your inner ear. This diminishes your ability to hear.

If you find earwax accumulation, it’s absolutely not advisable that you dig around in there with a cotton swab. Further damage can be done by cotton swabs and they will frequently make it even harder to hear. Instead, use over-the-counter ear drops.

Step 2: Avoid Loud Noises

This one should almost be left off the list it’s so obvious. But knowing how loud is too loud is the real difficulty for most people. For instance, freeway driving can be loud enough to damage your ears over an extended time period. Your lawnmower motor can be pretty taxing on your ears, as well. Obviously, it’s more than rock concerts or high volume speakers that cause hearing damage.

Here are a few ways to stay away from damaging noise:

  • When you can’t avoid noisy environments, use hearing protection. Does your job put you on the floor of a loud manufacturing plant? Do you really want to attend that rock concert? That’s fun. Just wear the necessary hearing protection. A perfect example would be earmuffs and earplugs.
  • When you’re watching videos or listening to music keep your headphone volume at a manageable level. When dangerous volumes are being approached, most phones come with a built in warning.
  • When volume levels get too loud, an app on your phone can alert you of that.

The damage to your hearing from loud sounds will build up slowly. So, even if your hearing “feels” good after a loud event, it may not be. You can only get a clean bill of health for your ears by a hearing specialist.

Step #3: If You Have Any Hearing Loss – Have it Addressed

Generally speaking, hearing loss is cumulative. So catching any damage early on will help prevent additional injury. That’s why getting treated is incredibly important when it comes to stopping hearing loss. Practical treatments (on which you follow through) will keep your hearing in the best possible shape.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Some, but not all damage can be prevented by wearing hearing aids. Hearing aids will, for instance, allow you to listen to music or the TV at a lower volume, avoiding damage. Hearing aids will prevent additional deterioration of your hearing by preventing this damage.
  • We can provide personalized guidance and advice to help you avoid added damage to your hearing.
  • Hearing aids minimize the brain strain and social solitude that worsen hearing loss-related health issues.

Limiting Hearing Impairment Will Benefit You in The Future

Even though we can’t cure hearing loss, further damage can be avoided with treatment. In many instances, hearing aids are one of the principal ways to accomplish that. The appropriate treatment will help you maintain your current level of hearing and stop it from worsening.

When you use hearing protection, engage in good hygiene, and pursue hearing loss treatment, you’re taking the appropriate steps to minimize hearing loss while also giving yourself the best opportunity for healthy hearing in the years to come.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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