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Grandfather wearing hearing aids and enjoying his grandsons fishing and playing with toy sailboat at a lake.

Have you ever woken up after a night’s sleep and heard birds singing a pleasant song through your open window? Most people probably aren’t even aware that those bird songs are called the “dawn chorus”. Birds see the sunrise and, for some reason, decide it’s time to belt out their favorite melody. The songs of these birds, when they’re all sounding together, are a beautiful symphony.

Of course, if you have untreated hearing loss, you may not hear the dawn chorus at all. And that’s sad.

There are lots of incredible sounds during the summer besides birdsongs that you might be missing. And you may be missing those summer sounds because you have hearing loss that’s gone undiagnosed or simply neglected. The good news in these instances is that a device like a hearing aid may help you appreciate and more fully enjoy your summer.

The sounds of summer

When you think about summer, you probably begin by imagining the sun in a blue sky. And, a very, very hot sun (whew). And then you start to visualize the summer soundtrack that comes with this vision. You might be thinking about:

  • Peepers and crickets chirping a symphony as the sun goes down.
  • The babbling of a creek or the crashing of waves.
  • The sound of your grandchildren laughing and playing.
  • The buzzing of bees as they fly around pollinating flowers and helping the landscape bloom.
  • The sound of birds performing mating songs. (Humans aren’t the only species to utilize love songs.)

You get the point. There are lots of sounds going on. These are the sounds that complete your summer, give it quality, and help establish that overall vibe. And these sounds in and of themselves bring great joy.

It’s feasible that hearing loss might have crept up on you, particularly if these or any other summer sounds seem to be different to you these days. If you have noticed your hearing loss then you need to get some help with it.

Your summer can be more enjoyable with hearing aids

For most, hearing aids are really about strengthening connections. Communication is key. They make it easier to talk to others, to hear what’s going on around you, and to enjoy the sounds that you hear. And at those summer cook-outs, for instance, that’s even more important.

Contemporary hearing aids have some incredible technology that will help you savor those summer sounds. For example, most modern hearing aids provide:

  • Automatic programming: You can dial in your modern hearing aids to automatically change settings depending on the time of day or environment you find yourself in. This function makes them more effective and simpler to use.
  • Noise reduction: If you want to hear the sound of crashing waves, but not the thunder of traffic behind you, you’ll want hearing aids that can help you sort out these sounds (in the same way your ears used to do). Modern hearing aids have considerable noise reduction capabilities, so you can hear what you really want to hear.
  • Machine learning: Cutting-edge algorithms (called machine learning) can help your hearing aids adjust to what you need, even before you need it. This is especially handy when filtering sounds or in a noisy setting.
  • Rechargeability: You can recharge your hearing aid while you sleep and enjoy full batteries all through the day. Essentially, you can charge your hearing aids the same way you charge your cellphone. And when you vacation with your hearing aids, it becomes very hassle free.
  • Bluetooth Connectivity: Maybe you want some music playing while you’re out on the boat. Well, your hearing aids can be synced to the boat’s stereo via Bluetooth.
  • Smartphone compatibility: You can begin to enjoy all types of features by syncing your hearing aid to your cellphone. Many phones will now permit you to download apps that help you control the settings on your hearing aids, so you can fine-tune for birdsong or grandkid’s laughter depending on what you want to hear at that time.

We can help you discover how your particular hearing needs can be met by your hearing aids (for example, you can ask whether you can wear them while you’re going for a swim or hiking up a mountain, that type of thing). Hearing aids and water-sports don’t always get along. But you will have a deeper overall summer experience with your hearing aids.

You’ll also want to ask us some standard questions about your hearing aid models. Will your hearing aids have an issue with hot weather, for instance? Also, does humidity have any effect on my hearing aid and how can I protect it? Depending on the model of hearing aid, the answer to these questions will differ.

Some loud sounds you may want to steer clear of

As much as you enjoy the sound of the dawn chorus, there are a few other summer sounds that could actually be damaging to your hearing, so you’ll probably want to steer clear of them. These noisy sounds are a real hazard! And they’re damaging to everyone’s ears, not just individuals with pre-existing hearing loss. Here are a few of those sounds:

  • Fireworks: The dogs are on to something. Your hearing can most certainly be harmed by fireworks. Furthermore, being near home-launched fireworks can also be damaging to your ears (and limbs). It’s best for your hearing to keep away from fireworks completely.
  • Live music: It’s great fun to go and see a live music concert but the loud volume can be harmful to your hearing. So you might want to exercise some caution and be picky about which concerts you attend and wear earplugs.
  • Boat engines: Be careful of how close you get and how long you spend around these engines because they are very loud. When you’re fishing, shut the engine off. Or, an even better idea would be to put in some earplugs.

This is only a partial list. For individuals who are dealing with hearing loss, summer might have a few less of these noisy events.

That said, you might not be capable of, or even want to, stay away from all loud noises over the summer. So what’s the solution? Well, you can use ear protection. For example, before you go to a live show, put in a set of earplugs so you can minimize most of the damage. You just need to make sure you’re using reliable ear protection.

Have fun this summer and enjoy the sounds

If you have hearing loss, the sounds of summer might feel like they’re getting further and further away (even as the heat of summer becomes more and more oppressive). Which means, a lot of the joy of the season could pass you by.

Getting the most from your summer then, might mean coming to see us. We can help determine the state of your hearing and, if necessary, help determine what kind of hearing aids will be the best choice for you.

So start here if you’re ready to enjoy the dawn chorus. And you’ll also be able to enjoy all of the other awesome summer sounds.

Get your hearing tuned up this summer. Make an appointment today to find out which hearing aids are right for you!

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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