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Woman standing in front of a pink backdrop wondering is seeing a hearing specialist is her best option for hearing aids.

Individuals are more self-reliant than ever. Want to fix up your car? You can learn how to do that by watching a YouTube video. Is your sink clogged? YouTube video. Want to learn how to do calligraphy? YouTube… look, you get the idea.

You can find any information you may want to know and self-learning has never been more available. Does that mean you’ll never need a professional ever again?

Not always. Take, for example, your hearing aids. Imagine if you detect some hearing loss and find yourself in need of these helpful little devices. Does that mean you should just go out to the local pharmacy and pick up a set of over-the-counter hearing aids? Although this might make you feel like you’re being self-sufficient and sound like the convenient option, there are a few real disadvantages. Actually, your hearing aids will be more comfortable and reliable if you come in to get a consultation with us.

What are the signs of hearing loss?

You might think that hearing loss symptoms are pretty self-evident. You are unable to hear as well, right? Well, yes, but the presentations of hearing loss can be much more variable, and much less evident. Certainly, people frequently miss the symptoms of hearing loss because they’re unsure about what to look for.

Here are a few of the most prevalent hearing loss symptoms:

  • Requesting that people repeat themselves: You may often ask people to repeat themselves. Even if it seems as if people are talking quietly, it’s actually hearing loss that’s the issue. You should consider whether it’s a problem with your ears if lots of individuals start to seem like their “mumbling”.
  • Tiredness and headaches: Your brain often has to work extra hard as it struggles to process sound. It’s like you’re constantly squinting with your ears as your brain works overtime attempting to process sound. Tiredness and chronic headaches can be the consequence.
  • Problems hearing conversations in loud places: When you’re out at dinner with family and friends, you have a difficult time following along with discussions. You should certainly pay attention if you notice this symptom because it’s a rather strong sign of hearing loss.
  • Having to continually turn the volume up: Are you consistently turning up the volume on your television? Well, there’s your first common symptom. This one is frequently missed because it develops slowly over a long time period.

Obviously, there are other signs of hearing loss besides these. Everyone’s hearing loss experience is unique. But if you are noticing any of these symptoms, it’s a good idea to visit us to get a diagnosis.

Can a diagnosis be helpful?

So, you have the symptoms of hearing loss. Why not simply go to the store and purchase an over-the-counter hearing aid? Well, would you go out and purchase prescription glasses without having an eye exam? It may work sometimes. But understanding more about your condition is definitely indispensable.

That’s because hearing loss is a complex issue. It’s not as if the volume in your ear is merely turned down. Actually, individuals tend to lose their hearing in specific frequency ranges as the stereocilia in the ear get damaged.

And it often goes unnoticed. Compensating for these kinds of changes is something that the brain is quite good at. For this reason, it’s usually necessary to get a hearing exam. You might not even recognize you have hearing loss but a hearing assessment can uncover any you may have. This will also allow you to understand which frequencies you’re starting to lose (and as a result, you will be in a better position to manage symptoms.)

Visiting a hearing specialist has its advantages

Matching your hearing needs to the available selection on the shelf will be something you’ll need to do by yourself if you go with over-the-counter hearing aids.

But when you visit a hearing specialist, your hearing aids can be customized to your needs. Your hearing specialist can help you select the best device for your symptoms and then customize that device specifically for the frequency you need help with.

Here are a few other advantages to seeing a hearing specialist:

  • Adjusting your hearing aid more successfully is also something your hearing specialist can also help you with. In order to get the best experience from your hearing aid, this is essential.
  • The ability to help you individualize the overall fit of your hearing aid, making sure your devices are comfortable and work properly.
  • Your hearing specialist can help you set up the appropriate maintenance for your hearing aid, ensuring that your devices last for as long as possible.
  • When you have problems using or comprehending how to use your hearing aid, your hearing specialist can help take you step-by-step through the process and be sure you understand how to get the most out of your devices.

Without the benefit of a hearing specialist, your hearing aid experience will most likely be less ideal, even if you do happen to pick the best possible over-the-counter hearing aid for your symptoms.

Additionally, hearing specialists will be able to help you manage your hearing loss symptoms. With the correct approach, you’ll be a lot less likely to lose friends or become distant with family because of your hearing loss symptoms. Those connections will be preserved. And that can be extremely important.

Not everything has to be DIY

Getting help with your hearing aid doesn’t mean you are in some way less self-sufficient. Quite the opposite, actually. Your self-sufficiency and independence will be improved by using the right hearing aids.

A hearing specialist can help you diagnose your hearing loss, regulate your symptoms, and pick out the right device for your requirements.

So call us so that we can help you address your hearing loss.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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